Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Consulting
Improving the success and outcome with artificial intelligence is our expertise

Artificial intelligence is becoming a key component of business transformation in the digital age. The practical application of AI can boost productivity through your organisation. Our consulting revolves around AI strategy, creating awareness around AI capabilities and support with the right AI talent. Identifying the right AI use case within the business is our key strength.

Our AI Consulting areas:

  1. Strategy formulation
  2. Implementation Support
  3. Training

Strategy Formulation

Strategy Formulation is about identifying the client’s AI use case that can drive the client’s most important opportunity. The process involves the client’s strategy, opportunities, and challenges faced by the company, the client’s data and analytics capabilities. The strategy identified can help businesses to start the change today and work towards adopting AI for future success.

Implementation Support

Our implementation process involves planning, vendor selection if needed, project management, development, improvement of business processes impacted by the project and change management. As implementation involves client data and is more expensive when implemented by consultants, we strongly recommend developing in-house expertise for AI implementation addressing AI ethics.


Training service will strengthen the culture and skills of client teams, enabling an AI qualified team within the company. The training ensures that the client teams are capable and knowledgeable about the AI technologies making them future ready.